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The Sims 3 - University Life Expansion Steam Gift

97.44% ocen z 1261 jest znakomitych!
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Ciężko pracujemy, by zapewnić bezpieczeństwo Twoich płatności. Nasz Dział ds. Zapobiegania Oszustwom i Reagowania pracuje całą dobę nad ochroną transakcji. Wdrożyliśmy spersonalizowany system służący wykrywaniu potencjalnych oszustów oraz nawiązaliśmy współpracę w firmą Ravelin, jedną z najlepszych na świecie platform zajmujących się zapobieganiu oszustwom. Nie udostępniamy Twoich danych dotyczących płatności sprzedawcom zewnętrznym i nie sprzedajemy Twoich informacji stronom trzecim.
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Sprzedawca ZaksGameShop
97.44% ocen z 1261 jest znakomitych
88.64% ocen z 350 jest znakomitych
Data wydania: 05/03/2013

The Sims 3 University Life Expansion Pack Limited Edition Origin Key

The Sims 3: University Life Steam Gift

Platform:  Steam
Release Date:    05/03/2013

Product Description

Wymaga The Sims 3 na platformie Steam w celu aktywacji klucza!

Are your Sims ready for the time of their lives? Heading off to university opens up new opportunities, from social connections to career growth. From class activities to major-specific objects, your Sim will find new ways to learn! And university isn’t just about hitting the books. Join a protest, flirt at a bonfire party—there’s a lot to learn outside of lectures at the student union. With new locations like the bowling alley and SimBurger to explore, and new activities like juice pong and spray painting murals to enjoy, your Sims are sure to have the time of their lives! 


Get Ready to Party! Text books and study groups are a big part of university, but sometimes Sims just need to party! From hosting bonfires by the lake to doing juice keg stands at a dorm party, there are lots of ways to have a great time at university.

Make Connections and Network. There are three social groups on campus—the nerds, the rebels, and the jocks. Socializing with members of each group offers its own unique advantages, from unlocking dream jobs to an extra trait.

Tap into Your Defiant Side! Sims can express themselves by organizing or attending protests, creating murals and graffiti, and even cheating on exams. Achieve Academic Excellence. Learning is more fun than ever with new major-specific objects, from broadcasting your own radio show as a Communications student to assembling your skeleton as a Science major. Your Sims can also learn outside of the classroom through class activities, lectures at the student union, and joining in social activities.

Actions Matter. Just like in real life, the decisions your Sims make across academics, socializing, and social groups affect each other in an interconnected way. 

Reap Benefits After University too! Reach the top job in your career path more easily with faster promotions and a higher entry-level job for university grads. If your Sim becomes a legend with their social group, they may even land a dream job as an art appraiser, sports agent, or video game developer!
Explore the Campus and Town.
From striking out at the bowling alley to flirting with the barista at the Roasted Toasted Beans to browsing comic books at the Keith’s Komics, there’s a whole new town and campus full of places to explore.

System Requirements

  • OS: XP SP2 / Vista SP1 / Windows 7
  • CPU: For XP 2.0 GHz P4 processor or equivalent; For Windows Vista and Windows 7 2.4 GHz P4 processor or equivalent
  • RAM: For XP 1 GB RAM / Windows Vista and Windows 7 1.5 GB RAM*
  • DISC DRIVE: DVD drive
  • Hard Drive: At least 3.5 GB** of hard drive space with at least 1 GB additional space for custom content and saved games.
  • Video: 128 MB Video Card with support for Pixel Shader 2.0